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How to Soothe a Crying Baby: Proven Techniques for Parents

The sound of a crying baby is not easy to take, and instinctively, most parents seek ways to comfort the baby as fast as possible. Though every baby has their unique characteristics, there are ways that work to soothe a crying baby and relieve their discomfort. This paper shall discuss many of the strategies to use when calming your baby and, in turn, quieting your home.

Understanding Why Babies Cry

Crying is a baby’s most effective mode of communication. The list of reasons for a crying baby goes from being hungry or uncomfortable to over-stimulated, and the list just goes on. Identifying the underlying cause will help you attend to the needs of your baby better.

Common Reasons Babies Cry

  1. Hunger
    Babies have tiny stomachs and need to be fed rather frequently. If it’s been some couple of hours since their last feed, hunger might be a culprit.
  2. Sleepiness
    If overtired, a fussy baby may become grumpy. Newborns sleep much of the day and perhaps this baby’s nap is due.
  3. Discomfort
    Look for wet diapers, constrictive clothing or other causes of discomfort.
  4. Gas/ Digestive Issues
    Babies frequently have gas and it causes discomfort. Rubbing their back or placing them in a burping position can help alleviate some of this discomfort.
  5. Wanting Attention
    Babies like to be held. If they have been away from someone’s arms for some time now, then this could be the only reason why they are crying.

Effective Methods to Soothe a Crying Fussier

1. Swaddling

Swaddling helps to soothe your baby and will give him or her the same feeling he or she had inside the womb. Wrap your baby snugly but in a light blanket, keeping his or her hips and legs loose. This will help in keeping your baby calm and secure.

2. Rocking or Gentle Movement

A soothing motion comforts the babies. One can easily recreate the motion they had when they were inside the womb by swinging their arms or even using a baby swing. The small rhythmic movements would comfort a crying baby.

3. White Noise

White noise can be an amazing relaxant for babies. This can be the hum of a fan, the soft singing of a lullaby, or it can be a white noise machine; the idea is to mask the background noise so your baby’s surroundings are as non-stimulating as possible.

4. Skin-to-Skin Contact

Holding your baby close to you and against your skin often helps the calmness transfer from one to another. Skin-to-skin contact helps regulate your baby’s temperature, breathing, and heart rate, which can often quickly take the fussiness away.

5. Offer a Pacifier

Sucking is a natural reflex and often soothes the baby. The pacifier could be an outlet for this reflex and help with a crying baby. Be sure to monitor the use of a pacifier so dependency does not occur.

6. A Warm Bath

A warm bath is soothing, and it helps in reassuring your baby. The warmth of the water will soothe any irritant, while the change of environment will be good for him/her. Just remember to keep his/her bath short and constantly watch your baby.

7. Burping and Massage

If you suspect gas, try light burps or gentle massage on your infant’s back. You may also want to lay them on their tummy over your lap and rub their back in order to let some of that trapped air out.

Soothing Techniques for Specific Situations

For Colic

If your baby has colic they can cry for a very long period of time without an obvious reason. It can be exhausting; however, there are some techniques that can help such as carrying your baby in a sling, gentle rocking in a darkened room, or even trying a pacifier.

Outdoor Public Places

It’s embarrassing when your baby cries in public. If possible, take them to a quiet place to calm them away from the noise and activity. You can also rock them, speak softly, or give them a pacifier if they have one to help quiet them.

During Growth Spurts

Your baby could be fussier and cry more when he is having growth spurts. Provide more feeding and cuddles during this period. Sometimes, babies get super fussy because they just need more comfort and attention from you.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Trying to Soothe a Crying Baby

1. Not Taking a Look at Possible Health Concerns

If your baby cries with symptoms including, but not limited to fever, rash, or acting unlike himself, it is best to consult a pediatrician. Trust your instincts when you feel something isn’t right.

2. Overstimulating Your Baby

Too many techniques may over-stimulate the baby. Instead try one method of soothing, and watch for your baby’s cues.

3. Getting Frustrated

It’s normal to get upset if your baby cries and can’t seem to stop; however, remember to stay calm. If you feel overwhelmed, take a deep breath and ask for help if you need it. Sometimes, holding your baby quietly can be all it takes for both of you to calm down.

Building a Calming Routine

You might want to build some soothing techniques into the daily schedule that can help your baby feel secure. For instance, you can have a bedtime routine by swaddling, gently rocking, or playing the sound of white noise to tell your baby it is time to sleep. The more consistent the routine, the easier it would be to sooth a crying baby as the times go by.

No two babies are alike, and so the particular action that acts to pacify a crying baby is different for each child. Be patient, try out a few methods, and remember that seeking help is always an option. You will learn through time and develop confidence about your understanding of, and response to, your baby’s needs.

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